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воскресенье, 15 октября 2017 г.

INTERFOR - мировой лидер "корпоративной разведки"

Случайно наткнулся на интересную компанию - INTERFOR. Компания занимается расследованиями в бизнес-сфере, через нее можно достать конфиденциальные сведения, компромат, данные реальных бенефициаров и тому подобное!
Штат традиционно укомплектован из бывших и не очень сотрудников спецслужб разных стран. Вот что пишут о себе на сайте:
"Interfor International is a global investigation and security consulting firm offering comprehensive domestic and foreign intelligence services to the legal, corporate and financial communities. Interfor is staffed by highly skilled investigators and fraud examiners, many of whom have been associated with government, defense, and intelligence agencies worldwide, including the British Secret Service, Israeli intelligence, various European agencies, and the United States CID, CIA, DEA and FBI agencies. Our investigators are also supported by a sophisticated research division using state-of-the-art technology. Interfor is fully licensed and operates in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, Africa and Asia. While the nature of Interfor’s services precludes disclosing the identity of specific clients, they include Fortune 500 companies, major law firms, an international airline and a number of Western governments."

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